Honeywell Primus 1000 w/Primus II Radio Package
Navigation: Dual Honeywell RNZ-851
Automatic Direction Finder: Honeywell DF-850
Electronic Flight Instrument System: Dual Honeywell CD-550 4-Tube
Flight Management System: Dual Universal UNS-1EW w/WAAS/LPV
Altimeter: Honeywell RT-300
Distance Measuring Equipment: Dual
Cockpit Voice Recorder: Honeywell CVR
Air Data Computer: Honeywell AZ-850
Communication: Dual Honeywell RCZ-833
Traffic Collision Avoidance System: Honeywell TCASII (TCAS2000)
Transponder: Dual Honeywell RCZ-851 Mode S
Enhanced Ground Proximity Warning System: Honeywell Mark V w/Windshear
airborne Phone: Aircell ATG-5000 Broadband Wi-Fi w/Text and Talk
Emergency Locator Transmitter: Artex C406-2
Attitude and Heading Reference System: Dual LCR-100